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 Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results. 
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Post Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results.
HWK week 1 Speed Ranking Results are in!

Slim participation but the competition is tight with Matt Hepp representing the western US against a trio of East Coasters. Peter Lynn Team Rider Molly Savard and Michael Woroniak dualing at just .10 mph difference and Concept Air Rider/ Stormboarding veteran Charles Meding taking the lead with a top speed of 45.2mph winning him a HWK GSR T-shirt and a shot at our TBA grand prize for overall fastest. ... sults.html

Great job everyone. As more people are finally getting to snowkite we hope to see some more entries in the next round. Week 2 is coming to a close, I've heard a few Stormboarding veterans are back in it and are posting in week 2. We're looking forward to seeing who comes out on top.
If there are any questions about the rules follow this link: ... rules.html

If you have any questions please contact Chris @ Hardwater Kiting.

Last edited by Feyd on Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:12 pm
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Week 1 Result
:shock: Just a .10 mph difference? Ouch, that's a slim margin to lose by. Maybe next time...

Keep the reports coming Feyd!

Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:27 pm
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Week 1 Result
We will Eric.

Sorry we didn't post the news about the new ranking on the site sooner. To be honest we thought the site was gone. :oops: Glad to see that's not the case.

Next round of results will be posted soon. No wind here after last Thursday so some of us on the east coast are going to be out of luck. Hopefully the wind cooperated out your way. :D

Take care, Chris

Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:44 am
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Week 1 Result
I certainly won't be breaking any speed records out here, but there's enough wind to play around.

Sorry I took a little longer than planned to bring it back online this time. There were a few unexpected complications. I'm trying to add a feature or make an update every day, so keep checking back.

Looking forward to the next report!

Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:46 am
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Week 1 Result
HWK Speed ranking results week #2

Another week of competition hampered by winter's lack of commitment to actually being winter. None the less a few people managed to get out before the warm spell and get some riding in with Paul Morse coming out on top.

A few people tried to get out last Thursday and carnage ensued. The winds here in the Northeast were pretty exciting to say the least.

Week two results for the Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking can be found here... ... sults.html

We aren't officially tracking distance but Jim Cline put in 123 miles in today in one session so he's set the bar if anyone wants a shot at the distance title this season. ;)

Thanks again for those who were able to participate.

And Eric, I know what you mean by unexpected complications. :D

Owner/Snowkite Instructor at Hardwater Kiting. North Conway, NH.

Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:44 pm
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results.
Week 3!

Week 3 results are in and on the site. Seems we're all still out of synch condition wise and participants can't seem to get a break. Schedules and conditions just aren't meshing but people are having fun trying and that's what counts.

Charles Meding has reclaimed the top spot in week 4 with Jim Cline close on his heels. Brian Beveridge is still giving us a strong showing out in western Canada while Rob Bocik out of Green Bay managed to get a good run in through the rough snow conditions in his part of the world.

We're happy to see Saulius Moliolis back in the ranking and with a good first showing for the season.

We're especially proud of Vanessa Woroniak's submission since it's her first ever entry to the ranking and a great first entry for a new kiter.

Please see the ranking here..... ... sults.html

Thanks again to everyone who participated and for those who have been considering it, grab a GPS and see what happens. Until next week.....

Owner/Snowkite Instructor at Hardwater Kiting. North Conway, NH.

Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:44 am
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results.
Things are heating up!

American Gary Kjelleren tops out the week at over 65mph while Petri Lehikoinen of Finland comes in a tight second with a speed of 61.45 followed by Bryce Johnson at 57 mph.

Week four results are here... ... sults.html

Some riders were closed out of this week due to bad surface conditions but hopefully we'll get them back in next week.

Thanks for all that submitted to the ranking!


Owner/Snowkite Instructor at Hardwater Kiting. North Conway, NH.

Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:13 am
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results.
Week 5 results..... ... sults.html

Surface conditions continue to be an issue for a lot of kiters. We have boiler plate and glass ice here which is great if you are equipped for riding that sort of stuff but not good for others.

Good conditions for speed here in New England.

We have our first Kite Sled entry into the ranking this week!

Owner/Snowkite Instructor at Hardwater Kiting. North Conway, NH.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:38 pm
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results.
Deep snow has slowed everyone down a bit but the fields are pretty tight even at low speeds.

Jim Cline however got out on Monday before the snow fell and bagged a killer speed.

We have a Kite sled in the top 3 and finally a snowboarder in the mix. A fast one at that! ... sults.html

Owner/Snowkite Instructor at Hardwater Kiting. North Conway, NH.

Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:32 am
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results.
Week 7 Results are in and the field is pretty even. Seems like everyone is pretty evenly matched, ski, board, kitesled all in the same general range! I don't remember seeing that variety in this close a match up in the old ranking. Pretty interesting.

Results here...... ... sults.html

Thanks for all who entered, it's been great these last seven weeks seeing who signs in and who keeps comming back.

Visit and like us on Facebook if Facebook and snowkites are your thing. ... des?ref=hl

Thanks! Chris

Owner/Snowkite Instructor at Hardwater Kiting. North Conway, NH.

Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:27 am
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Post Re: Hardwater Kiting Global Speed Ranking 2013 Results.
Week 10 results..... ... sults.html

Some new personal bests, some 50mph kiter on kiter collisions and general fun stuff this week. :mrgreen:

Owner/Snowkite Instructor at Hardwater Kiting. North Conway, NH.

Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:03 am
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